Saturday, 22 February 2014

Wish List

 Considering we’ve been here four months, I think it is appropriate timing to post some of the things I would really like…

1.     More books! I’ve already read nine novels since being here, and now my selection is getting thin.
2.     More music! I just went to the last computer in our house and copied all the music onto my iPod, so now I have listened to all the tracks. L
3.     Piano!! Four months and I still don’t have a piano. Very depressing. I currently have a small “piece of crap” one that I plunk around on, but I can’t create any music, or practice legit songs. Just tinkering for now.
4.     Cream-Cheese Bagel!! I ate a cucumber yesterday for the first time since arriving, and it only made the craving for a cream cheese bagel increase!
5.     A walk on the ocean! This would honestly mean the world to me. To go down to our little harbor, listen to the seagulls, smell the seaweed, taste the salt water, squeeze my toes into the soggy sand, sprinkle the freezing water through my fingers…ah man it’s too good!
6.     Go biking! I really enjoyed biking back home, especially down our little street!
7.     Go horseback riding! I haven’t been on a horse for four months! I have only seen ONE the whole time. I’d really love to go trotting ‘round elk lake and then hit up some jumps in the arena!
8.     Girl’s movie night! As much as I love chick-flicks, they just aren’t the same without my gals.
9.     Charleston Chew, holy crap are those bars heavenly!!
10.  Cold weather. I’d love to snuggle up to a fireplace nice and cozy, or take a stroll through Sidney bundled up in coats and mittens. I loved wearing tight jeans and baggy hoodies!
11.  New clothes! You can only wear the same five shirts for so long…
12.  Go on a jog. I would pay $100 bucks to run through the beautiful trails, blasting some crazy tunes!
13.  See Annie! I miss my little doggie more than anything. I just want to cuddle with her on the couch, or blow in her face and watch her go crazy!
14.  Go to seminary. I honestly LOVE seminary, and never thought I’d miss it as much as I do! (But sleeping into 10am each morning isn’t that bad either)
15.  Spend a day in the music studio! I only got a couple months to enjoy our music studio, a day alone banging the drums, recording the guitar and mixing tracks would be a dream come true!
16.  Job. I would really really really really appreciate a job right now! Not even kidding, the need to work for a paycheck – whether in cash or exchange for something, is just part of me. I’ve always had a yearning to be independent!
17.  An hour on Youtube! I haven’t been on since being here, and I keep singing all my favourite artists posting new videos and it KILLS me!
18.   A trip to Costco. I have a random craving to head to Costco with my Grandparents and just walk around. (My Grandparents are Costcos prim customers, unlike my family who would go maybe once a year. So I would occasionally go with them and man it was always a blast!)
19.  My bed! I miss my freaking huge bed, that literally felt like you were sleeping on heaven! Right now I am sleeping on a toothpick and it isn’t fun.
20.  A day out by myself. It’s very frustrating because you can’t leave the house without another person, if not two. So to be able to walk to Sidney and just browse around would be heaven on earth.

Well that’s it now that I read over it I see just how pathetic this must seem to everyone back home. But seriously these things make the biggest deals here!!


1 comment:

  1. Amen to all of that sister! haha im heading to the bagel shop downtown when we go home!
