Sunday, 19 January 2014

An Amazing Week

This week has by far been one of the most enjoyable and amazing weeks since arriving in Uganda!! We returned to Sanyus baby home for the first time since our arrival, and my oh my was it amazing. I came away quite humbled and somewhat confused. It's very hard to wrap your head around why you were blessed with soooo much, when there are other children who don't even have parents, nevertheless their own clothes and bed. It's especially hard when you see people complaining about things like their bedroom - too small, not the right colour, or their parents - how they have too many rules etc. When there are kids who don't have any of that. 

Saturday was an insanely fun day. We spent the morning at training, which usually consists of me entertaining the kids so they don't make too much noise, or listening to my iPod. This time however I was speaking some of my fluent Uganda - sarcasm, to Deborah (a little girl who lives at the school we do our training at) So I spoke maybe a handful of words to her…big mistake. I guess she thought I was fluent in the language afterwards, so she kept speaking Luganda to me the rest of the day. I actually picked up a couple words from her, and she learnt how to say my name! It was probably the cutest thing I've ever witnessed in my life! 
Afterwards we headed to the church for Young Womens. I think this night was a big turning point for me in Uganda. I stated before that Uganda is home, but tonight I think the longing for my friends and family in Canada was replaced by the fun I had with these girls. We baked Canadian and Ugandan pancakes, and then played a ridiculously intense game - keep away. I thought it was just gonna be a couple girls tossing a ball back and forth…HECK NO! The ball was flying left right and centre and so were these girls! I accidentally ran into a little tree, got smacked in the face with the ball but man I was in heaven. Back home I always got annoyed because the girls never got into the game, and here I have to admit I was a little terrified they would body slam me to the ground! Haha. If you're competitive, you need play with Ugandans, 'cause there take their games quite seriously! 

I'm really loving it here. The language is quite tough, but I am slowly plodding along. I'm getting more and more determined each time I meet new people who don't speak English. One sentence at a time :) The weather has soared, an average of 30 degrees each day. It doesn't cool off in the evenings, it was 26degrees at midnight! That's hotter then midday in July back home! Our neighbours have a million pigs that literally scream each morning - you'd think they're being skinned alive or something. So I'm quite deprived of sleep at the current moment. There's nothing I will miss right now, though lately I've had a huge graving for a cream cheese bagel…strange what things you begin to miss when you've been in Africa too long. 


Thursday, 9 January 2014

A Tribute To My Favourite Man!

January 10th 2005 was one of the most exciting days of my life. It’s when a little boy entered into our family, and has blessed it ever since…. his name was Liam.
Today, nine years later he has truly grown into an exceedingly fine lad, and I wouldn’t trade him for the world! He is seriously a wild child, and his crazy stunts will either take him to the Olympics or Heaven! 

Yes he pulls my hair and farts in my face; he barges in my room when I have friends over, and gets away with things I never did. But all in all I love him.

He’s the greatest play pal I could’ve asked for. I have Liam to thank for keeping me young forever. Even now he randomly get's me playing games of the past – our favourite was defiantly “jungle kids,” or getting exercise balls on the tramp and playing bucking bronco!
His energy level is off the scale, I swear this child doesn’t know what tired means! But it’s good; it keeps all us old farts alive and active everyday.
He’s the goofiest dude I know, and has some of the greatest comebacks – I need to start a book one day titled “Liam’s comebacks.” He has brought so many hours of laughter and smiles to my life, so many sleepless nights because of his crazy loud snoring, but most importantly he’s brought more happiness and crazy memories that I will cherish forever!
He has a dare devil spirit, nothing fazes this kid, thank goodness he has four older siblings always looking out for him or he’d be dead. Swimming at three, riding a two-wheeler at four, back flips at five, horse riding at six, riding a pocket bike at seven, best driver in his league at eight, and now…well who knows what craziness he’s going to attempt this year!

This fella is amazing, I know he’s going to grow into a handsome, smart and incredible Youngman, possibly as awesome as his older sister, but we'll see. I’m really grateful to have him, ‘cause when Emma and Jeff and Corey all leave, it’ll just be my little man and me.
Liam, I love you. Don’t you ever forget it!!


Tuesday, 7 January 2014


This first week of 2014 has been quite interesting. Usually the New Year is such an ecstatic time, with everyone re-motivated for the year, planning out goals and resolutions etc. But this year I just haven’t gotten that same thrill – probably because I didn’t have an epic celebration to start 2014, because I’m in Uganda J I often find that I, along with most people, lose the momentum of the New Year, and within a couple months, if not weeks have fallen back into the casualness of life, letting the big dreams and goals vanish into the forgotten. BUT, over the last year I’ve discovered some tips to staying motivated and inspired ALL YEAR ROUND!

1.   Make a monthly plan. Instead of scoping out a whole year plan that can change like the weather, take time the 1st day of each month to write down your goals for that month!
2.   Begin with the end in mind. Think about the big picture; you should already have a picture in your mind before you begin painting the canvas.
3.   Encourage yourself. Your biggest enemy is probably yourself; you’re just so honest, and have no problem pointing out the negative you see in the mirror. But if you can turn that negative into positive, holy cow can you empower yourself to do amazing things! Wake up and say something positive about yourself, and never give up.
4.   Surround yourself with things that motivate YOU. Everyone has different things that motivate them; for me its music – it makes me run faster, organize thoughts for writing and calms my busy mind. Find something that really triggers you to do greatness; something that gets your head working and feet moving and bam, you’ll be motivated for life!
5.   Keep your life clean and organized. It’s hard to focus if you’re in a messy room. Slipping on clothes or stubbing toes is not the ideal working environment. So keep your room and office tidy so you can focus on more important tasks and not get frustrated because you can’t find important documents. And it’ll help you to not feel so overwhelmed J

These are tips I’ve applied to my own life, and jolly goodness when I actually follow them great things happen! Push yourself this year by dedicating yourself to this list. If you do you’re bond to complete all the goals on that list of yours, and trust me, there’s nothing better than seeing a check mark in every single box!



Friday, 3 January 2014

The Greatest Pain

Pain is often mentioned as a physical feeling, but I want to refer to it in an emotional sense.
Over the last three months I have undergone a major change; my perspective, character and goals for the future have completely altered because of the things I’ve witnessed since moving in Uganda.

I have come to the conclusion that the greatest pain these people experience is, having the desire to live but not the ability.

Back home the main causes of death is heart disease and cancer. Here it can be as simple as a mosquito bit – malaria, even childbirth takes more peoples lives than diabetes. People drop like flies from diseases you get immunized at birth for. There is no need for these people to be dying!

I think the greatest pain I feel here, is seeing SO many things that I could improve, but not knowing where to start. Within five minutes of walking down the road you witness things that bring tears to your eyes, like toddlers begging on the side of the highway, a young family living in a tiny one room cement hut with mats on the floor for beds.

I wish people could come here and see with their own eyes the conditions 80% of the world lives in. Your perception of poor will change completely. I’m almost at the point where I just want to empty my bank account and put my money to GOOD use. In the long run, what is life all about? It’s not about beating everyone else in the race of survival; it’s about being a crunch to those who are unable to finish on their own. We have all the resources, all the luxury and all the wealth we could ask for, and instead of generously sharing it, we lock it in a safe and hide the key. I used to love keeping my money to myself; I didn’t even like spending it on things for myself, because that meant I gave it away. But now I realize, it’s our obligation to help those who were not blessed which such great fortune. Yes the colour of our skin may be different, the words we speak of another language, but we’re the same, we’re ALL equal. People are the same wherever you go!
That’s why I still can’t find a suitable reason for someone to live in a 12,000sq. ft. mansion while someone else sleeps on a red dirt floor. There is no reason for someone to throw away their leftovers while there’s a whole family going to bed hungry.
Don’t wait for someone else to get the ball rolling because YOU can make a difference. You have the power to change someone’s life; don’t waste another minute waiting, because each minute you wait, another life is lost. You have no idea the impact you can make.



50 Facts About Me

1.   My biggest annoyance is the sound people make when they eat – usually if they breath while taking a bit, or when people breath really heavily and you can feel their air. Ah gives me the shivers.
2.   I ACCIDENTLY crashed a dirt bike into a pool when I was four.
3.   I always check behind the shower curtain, and after watching scary movies I usually check the toilet just in case…
4.   I don’t like sleeping on beds; I’d much rather sleep on the couch, trampoline, or even in a tent.
5.   I never take my eye off the drain while showering because I have a fear a millipede will crawl through it.
6.   I have at least a dozen conversations with myself a day, and sometimes when I’m bored I interview myself.
7.   I walk and talk in my sleep.
8.   I really badly want to train a cow to be ridden.
9.   I absolutely HATE shopping – unless it’s a music or equestrian store.
10.        I’m not a huge introvert, but I am content being by myself.
11.        I feel very blessed to have confidence in my self and the world around me. Therefore I feel I’m obligated to help those who struggle with self – esteem, and uplift and encourage those who are lost and confused.   
12.        I’m a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints!
13.        I play the piano, guitar, drums, ukulele, organ and a tiny bit of the cello. My new challenge is to learn either the saxophone or clarinet.
14.        I love camping and family holidays.
15.        I have fallen off horses numerous times, and smashed into trees on zip lines, yet I’ve never broken a bone or gotten a sprain.
16.        I’m a night owl; I don’t really feel awake until about 3pm.
17.        I like finding little nooks and secret places to write.
18.        A big pet peeve of mine is selfish people. If they didn’t exist either would poverty.
19.        I hate cities. Would much rather live on a rural acreage in a small, closely-knit town.
20.        I have an obsession with pigs, and nearly bought a miniature one, but then I got a horse.
21.        I’m not a huge meat eater; you could say I’m a vegetarian insomuch that I won’t add meat to anything I cook, but if it’s mixed in with the meal then I’ll eat it.
22.        HUGE “Downton Abbey,” “Hunger Games” and “Once Upon A Time” fan.
23.        Homemaking was defiantly not an area I was blessed in.
24.        I love finding simple reasons to smile, like the sound of tree frogs in the evenings, or falling asleep to the sound of rain. Oh so lovely!
25.        I like doing thrilling things, but I examine my risks prior to taking them.
26.        I don’t like routines or agendas ‘cause then I don’t try new things.
27.        I like the smell of horse poo.
28.        If I could live in a different era I’d go back to Little House On The Prairie, where you found a nice plot of land and built your house.
29.        I wear flipflops all year round.
30.        My famous hairstyle is the topknot.
31.        I’m a terrible singer, yet I’ll break out in song wherever and whenever.
32.        I hardly ever turn lights on, and sometimes I’ll be reading when it’s dark, but I’ll forget there’s a light bulb just above me.
33.         I despise Math and Science, but I absolutely LOVE English and History.
34.        Because I’ve been raised with older siblings I enjoy the company of people older than me more than people younger – even if it’s just by a year or two.
35.        I’ve always had a dog in the house…even when we stayed in Mexico for two months we ended up coming home with a stray we found and adopted.
36.        Whenever I have friends over we always end up going for a walk.
37.        I’m really competitive!
38.        I hate when you can’t have conversations with girls that don’t evolve around body image or guys.
39.        I hate hamsters.
40.        I usually end up outside when I’m home alone, because my imagination goes crazy and I trick myself into believing there’s somebody in the house with me, so I book it outside and will stay out there until someone returns.
41.        I kayaked across the Ocean, knowing there was a pod of 100 Killer Whales in the area.
42.        I have no fear of public speaking or performing music, but acting is not a gift I was given.
43.        I went paintballing with my brothers and wore so many layers the paintball rebounded.
44.        I love organizing events
45.        I think best when I have music playing.
46.        I’m a perfectionist
47.        I love hiking, caving and kayaking.
48.        I hate spending money – I sometimes will stand in a lineup for ten minutes, and just when it’s my turn I decide I don’t want it.
49.        I’m an auditory learn, and listen best when I’m doodling. 
50.        Whenever I’m mad at someone I write a humongous handwritten letter, but I never give it them. It just releases the steam.