Pain is often
mentioned as a physical feeling, but I want to refer to it in an emotional
Over the last three
months I have undergone a major change; my perspective, character and goals for
the future have completely altered because of the things I’ve witnessed since
moving in Uganda.
I have come to the
conclusion that the greatest pain these people experience is, having the
desire to live but not the ability.
Back home the main
causes of death is heart disease and cancer. Here it can be as simple as a
mosquito bit – malaria, even childbirth takes more peoples lives than diabetes.
People drop like flies from diseases you get immunized at birth for. There is
no need for these people to be dying!
I think the greatest
pain I feel here, is seeing SO many things that I could improve, but not
knowing where to start. Within five minutes of walking down the road you
witness things that bring tears to your eyes, like toddlers begging on the side
of the highway, a young family living in a tiny one room cement hut with mats
on the floor for beds.
I wish people could
come here and see with their own eyes the conditions 80% of the world lives in.
Your perception of poor will change completely. I’m almost at the point where I
just want to empty my bank account and put my money to GOOD use. In the long
run, what is life all about? It’s not about beating everyone else in the race
of survival; it’s about being a crunch to those who are unable to finish on
their own. We have all the resources, all the luxury and all the wealth we
could ask for, and instead of generously sharing it, we lock it in a safe and
hide the key. I used to love keeping my money to myself; I didn’t even like spending
it on things for myself, because that meant I gave it away. But now I realize,
it’s our obligation to help those who were not blessed which such great
fortune. Yes the colour of our skin may be different, the words we speak of
another language, but we’re the same, we’re ALL equal. People are the same
wherever you go!
That’s why I still can’t
find a suitable reason for someone to live in a 12,000sq. ft. mansion while
someone else sleeps on a red dirt floor. There is no reason for someone to
throw away their leftovers while there’s a whole family going to bed hungry.
Don’t wait for someone
else to get the ball rolling because YOU can make a difference. You have the
power to change someone’s life; don’t waste another minute waiting, because
each minute you wait, another life is lost. You have no idea the impact you can
Beautifully written. I couldn't agree more!