Friday, 3 January 2014

50 Facts About Me

1.   My biggest annoyance is the sound people make when they eat – usually if they breath while taking a bit, or when people breath really heavily and you can feel their air. Ah gives me the shivers.
2.   I ACCIDENTLY crashed a dirt bike into a pool when I was four.
3.   I always check behind the shower curtain, and after watching scary movies I usually check the toilet just in case…
4.   I don’t like sleeping on beds; I’d much rather sleep on the couch, trampoline, or even in a tent.
5.   I never take my eye off the drain while showering because I have a fear a millipede will crawl through it.
6.   I have at least a dozen conversations with myself a day, and sometimes when I’m bored I interview myself.
7.   I walk and talk in my sleep.
8.   I really badly want to train a cow to be ridden.
9.   I absolutely HATE shopping – unless it’s a music or equestrian store.
10.        I’m not a huge introvert, but I am content being by myself.
11.        I feel very blessed to have confidence in my self and the world around me. Therefore I feel I’m obligated to help those who struggle with self – esteem, and uplift and encourage those who are lost and confused.   
12.        I’m a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints!
13.        I play the piano, guitar, drums, ukulele, organ and a tiny bit of the cello. My new challenge is to learn either the saxophone or clarinet.
14.        I love camping and family holidays.
15.        I have fallen off horses numerous times, and smashed into trees on zip lines, yet I’ve never broken a bone or gotten a sprain.
16.        I’m a night owl; I don’t really feel awake until about 3pm.
17.        I like finding little nooks and secret places to write.
18.        A big pet peeve of mine is selfish people. If they didn’t exist either would poverty.
19.        I hate cities. Would much rather live on a rural acreage in a small, closely-knit town.
20.        I have an obsession with pigs, and nearly bought a miniature one, but then I got a horse.
21.        I’m not a huge meat eater; you could say I’m a vegetarian insomuch that I won’t add meat to anything I cook, but if it’s mixed in with the meal then I’ll eat it.
22.        HUGE “Downton Abbey,” “Hunger Games” and “Once Upon A Time” fan.
23.        Homemaking was defiantly not an area I was blessed in.
24.        I love finding simple reasons to smile, like the sound of tree frogs in the evenings, or falling asleep to the sound of rain. Oh so lovely!
25.        I like doing thrilling things, but I examine my risks prior to taking them.
26.        I don’t like routines or agendas ‘cause then I don’t try new things.
27.        I like the smell of horse poo.
28.        If I could live in a different era I’d go back to Little House On The Prairie, where you found a nice plot of land and built your house.
29.        I wear flipflops all year round.
30.        My famous hairstyle is the topknot.
31.        I’m a terrible singer, yet I’ll break out in song wherever and whenever.
32.        I hardly ever turn lights on, and sometimes I’ll be reading when it’s dark, but I’ll forget there’s a light bulb just above me.
33.         I despise Math and Science, but I absolutely LOVE English and History.
34.        Because I’ve been raised with older siblings I enjoy the company of people older than me more than people younger – even if it’s just by a year or two.
35.        I’ve always had a dog in the house…even when we stayed in Mexico for two months we ended up coming home with a stray we found and adopted.
36.        Whenever I have friends over we always end up going for a walk.
37.        I’m really competitive!
38.        I hate when you can’t have conversations with girls that don’t evolve around body image or guys.
39.        I hate hamsters.
40.        I usually end up outside when I’m home alone, because my imagination goes crazy and I trick myself into believing there’s somebody in the house with me, so I book it outside and will stay out there until someone returns.
41.        I kayaked across the Ocean, knowing there was a pod of 100 Killer Whales in the area.
42.        I have no fear of public speaking or performing music, but acting is not a gift I was given.
43.        I went paintballing with my brothers and wore so many layers the paintball rebounded.
44.        I love organizing events
45.        I think best when I have music playing.
46.        I’m a perfectionist
47.        I love hiking, caving and kayaking.
48.        I hate spending money – I sometimes will stand in a lineup for ten minutes, and just when it’s my turn I decide I don’t want it.
49.        I’m an auditory learn, and listen best when I’m doodling. 
50.        Whenever I’m mad at someone I write a humongous handwritten letter, but I never give it them. It just releases the steam.


  1. So really enjoyed this and found it quite humorous! one day we are going to watch a scary movie and I'm going to be the mean older cousin and hide something scary in the toilet. You can train my future cow I will someday own and ride it to the market. Can we buy twin pigs together. I feel that it would strengthen our relationship. I am also fond of the smell of horse poop. We are top not twins!! Your singing is magical. especially when you break out in You Raise Me Up! You may of kayaked across the ocean with the whales but you were freaking out sooo MUCH! Anyways

    1. Oh right your cow Lola? I'll train it for ya! Dude kayaking with 'em whales was risking my life! Thank goodness I was in the back steering! I miss my singing partner way to much!

  2. This is hilarious! I remember when that hamster attacked your finger...good times!
